Butovo – Shopping Center gba: 60 000 м2 gla: 45 000 м2 year: 2013-2014 city: Moscow The project has been developed by Blank Architects with my direct participation as a leading architect. The "Butovo Mall" is a modern multi-functional mall, currently under construction in the south-eastern part of Moscow, in the densely populated district of Youzhnoye Butovo. The mall will be easily accessed by both public and private transport. The building is a mix of two floors of retail units, supported by a parking lot with space for 2300 cars. The program consists of a hypermarket, medium-sized anchors, boutiques, and a food court area. The angled shapes from the exterior entrances are continued in detail in the gallery. Together with the use of metallic, ceramic, and wooden elements the gallery becomes a convenient and atmospheric interior for an extended shopping experience. By working together with a light advisor, we have achieved a minimum overall artificial lighting for the gallery to save on energy costs and to provide the feeling of being outdoors. Special attention was given to the tiling on the floors leading the visitor, by way of a gradual transition, from the public stone ground floor to the more intimate wooden second and third floor. The naturally lit atrium gives the impression of being outside in a city square. Russia lacks these communal outdoor places due to its harsh climate. |