Critical alignment yoga and therapy institute (CAT-Y)
area: 424 м2
realisation: 2017-2019
city: Мoscow

The Customer is from Moscow whilst the creator of the Method of Yoga and Yoga Therapy of Critical Alignment and the head of his institute in Moscow, Gert van Leeuwen, is from Amsterdam. Therefore, the Scandinavian style came to the project naturally.

Our task was to create the headquarters of the Critical Alignment Yoga & Therapy method in Russia. The interior design style should be close to both Russians and guests from Northern Europe who visit seminars and conferences of the Yoga Journal level. To provide space not only for regular yoga and yoga therapy classes, but for teachers' training, conducting research based on the method, and for creating and developing the community as well.

Within a relatively small area, we placed all the necessary facilities and added interesting ideas. The layout develops from the social zone along the corridor axis, including 6 yoga rooms, a cafe, relaxation and communication zones, massage rooms, a mini-shop, changing rooms with showers, storage and service.
We capitalized on the difference in the floor levels and the former inconvenience performs now as the seating podium appreciated as the major social area.

The heart of the studio is a green wall with natural plants. In such a way we realized the dream of incorporating some nature into the interior, and now the Customers enjoy their our own mini-garden in the city center - firstly, it's just beautiful, and in addition, the plants clean the air and enrich it with oxygen.

The main focus when planning a studio was to create an atmosphere of trust, care and support. We wanted to create a space that meets the mission of the project: to help people regain their natural health, live a life in which joy, lightness, enthusiasm are the driving force of their actions.

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Сердце студии - живая фитостена, вокруг которой расположилась диванная зона.
В коридоре бетон конструктива отполировали и оставили открытым. Ниже прошли трассы коммуникаций и освещения.
В центре коридора установлена стеклянная перегородка с градиентом прозрачности - так в коридор попадает дневной свет, при этом зрительный покой людей в зале сохранен.
Организация хранения пропсов для занятий - отдельный детальный проект с особой эстетикой.
Тактильная яркость и экологичность - главные принципы выбора материалов.
Натуральный дуб с природной текстурой, бетон конструктива, дымчатое стекло, полированные радиаторы из нержавеющей стали – каждый элемент пристально отобран и занимает свое стильное место в общей концепции.
Трансформируемые перегородки разделяют большой зал на 2 малых
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+7 (916) 217-18-60
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